Category Archives: Artworks

26 Characters # 1

26 Characters #1 marks the beginnings of a new series of short animations highlighting the presence and potential of paper to interact with words and writing. I imagine language as a living entity, an insect-like parasite. My work with papermaking has led me to see paper as a metaphor for absence and a host for words.

Sweet Nothings, Petits riens

This work is part of my ongoing look at the passage of time. Sweet Nothings / Petits riens, is an installation of three videos on three, 7-inch digital frames set on a shelf. Words in both French and English take a physical form and transform in a variety of materials such as thread, string and bits of wire. The idea and relevance of the idea of nothingness as a creative force in the making and unmaking of the world in both art and science preoccupies my artmaking. The absence of women in written history is a theme I also continue to […]

A Room in Paris or, L’histoire de lumière

This work is also exhibited as a video projection- entitled, L’histoire de lumière. I lived in Paris beside a busy road and the Seine River. Every night, as the tourist-filled boats travelled up and down the river, their bright lights shone up into my apartment. Watching the shadow of my own body as I stood in front of the open window and the leaves and branches of the trees outside move through my room, I began to feel as if I was living inside a camera obscura.  Over a period of six months, I documented a variety of the shadows, […]


Mothertext is an experimental video exploring the re-invention of a mother daughter relationship. Narrated in first person, it is the story of an artist’s attempt to create meaning out of personal loss. The video follows the artist’s creation of a visual and ephemeral poetry unfolding with time and process. Words of cast paper letters float in a sink of milk, handwritten letters are suspended in space and all transform over time. Empty space, silence and the whiteness of materials such as milk, snow and paper were used as metaphors to signify and revalue a presence of absence. What was background […]