A list of things to do…

Get lost as often as necessaryShinjukusubwaymap.

Find the surprise at the end of the tunnel,

Tunnel1one step at a time,Tunnel2

one photo at a time.Tunnel3



View Fuji-san from a trainFuji-sanfromtrain.

View Fuji-san from afarFuji-sanfromafar.  Things still to do: finish reading The Pillow Book, by Sei Shonagon and start reading, The Tale of Gengi, by Murasaki Shikibu, books by two Japanese women writers of the 10th century who knew each other. Buy some Tosa Gampi paper in Tosa District of Kochi Prefecture. Make paper in Kochi. Find a place to study Japanese. Find a piano somewhere that I can play.